

  1. 向一个返回Single<List> urls的库发出一个请求(让我们称之为RequestA)。
  2. 根据我从RequestA收到的内容,我必须使用每个这些URL向另一个库发出请求(RequestB)。 每个RequestB现在都返回一个Single。


就像Observable.mergedelayerror(List) 。 我不能这样做,因为mergedelayerror期望ObservableSource iterable


你需要Observable.fromIterable() 。 尝试这个:

Java 8:

 public interface Api { Single> urls(); Single url(String url); } private Api api; public void request() { api.urls() .flatMapObservable(Observable::fromIterable)//Observable .flatMapSingle(api::url) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(); } 

非Java 8:

 api.urls() .flatMapObservable(new Function, ObservableSource>() { @Override public ObservableSource apply(@NonNull List source) throws Exception { return Observable.fromIterable(source); } }) .flatMapSingle(new Function>() { @Override public SingleSource apply(@NonNull String url) throws Exception { return api.url(url); } }) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(); 


 api.urls() .flatMapObservable { Observable.fromIterable(it) } .flatMapSingle { api.url(it) } .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe() 

我建议使用Java 8或切换到Kotlin。 这将是更好的使用。

这里是一个kotlin的例子解释。 Java版本将几乎完全相同。 您可能需要查看这些操作员的大理石图,以便更直观地看到发生了什么。

 getData() //<--- original api call that returns a list of urls .flatMapObservable { list -> //<- Since we are on a single we have to convert to an observable to emit each item onto the stream Observable.fromIterable(list) // <-- create that observable that emits each item } .flatMapSingle { url -> // we a single url entering here and have add it's result onto the stream but since it's a single we use flatMapSingle instead secondApi(url) // we call our second api here } .toList() // <-- you may want to group them into a list .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) // <-- causes the work to be done on the io scheduler so that you don't hit network on mainthread exception nor slow down the ui .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) // <-- causes the outcome to be on the ui thread so you can safely update without getting an illegal state exception can't update the ui from a now ui thread .subscribe { next, error -> next?.let { //add to an adapter or something else } error?.let{ // handle error } }