
如果在"I am in the EU."这个字符串中存在一个单词,即"EU" ,我将如何发现? ,而不是像"I am in Europe."这样的案例"I am in Europe."

基本上,我希望某种形式的正则表达式,例如"EU" ,两边都是非字母字符。


  public static void main(String[] args) { String regex = ".*\\bEU\\b.*"; String text = "EU is an acronym for EUROPE"; //String text = "EULA should not match"; if(text.matches(regex)) { System.out.println("It matches"); } else { System.out.println("Doesn't match"); } } 


 String str = "I am in the EU."; if (str.matches(".*\\bEU\\b.*")) doSomething(); 

看看Pattern的文档 。


 String str = "I am in the EU."; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\bEU\\b").matcher(str); if (matcher.find()) { System.out.println("Found word EU"); }