

// StateModel.kt sealed class StateModel class Loading : StateModel() data class Success(val data: T) : StateModel() data class MyError(val message: String) : StateModel() // StateModelTransformer.kt class StateModelTransformer : FlowableTransformer { override fun apply(upstream: Flowable): Publisher { return upstream .map { data -> Success(data) } .onErrorReturn { error -> MyError(error.message) // compile error, Type mismatch, Require Success, Found MyError } .startWith(Loading()) // compile error, none of the following function can be called with the arguments supplied } } 



以下是Flowable中的相关声明,供参考。 让我们忽略onErrorReturn ; 这与这个问题没有关系。

 public Flowable { public  Flowable map(Function mapper); public Flowable startWith(T value); } 


 val upstream: Flowable val mapper: (T) -> Success = { data -> Success(data) } val map: ((T) -> Success) -> Flowable> = upstream::map val mapped: Flowable> = map(mapper) val loading: Loading = Loading() val startWith: (Success) -> Flowable> = mapped::startWith startWith(loading) // type mismatch 

更具体的Successtypes已经被推断出来了,Kotlin不会回溯到find更一般的StateModeltypes。 为了强制这种情况发生,例如,可以手动声明types

 // be explicit about the general type of the mapper upstream.map { data -> Success(data) as StateModel }.startWith(Loading()) // be explicit about the generic type R = StateModel upstream.map { data -> Success(data) }.startWith(Loading()) 

顺便提一句,你现在在StateModel输了 。 我建议改变基类以包含types参数。

 sealed class StateModel object Loading : StateModel() data class Success(val data: T) : StateModel() data class MyError(val message: String) : StateModel() 


 val  StateModel.data: T? get() = when (this) { is Success -> data else -> null }