

class MainView : View("Example") { val someBooleanProperty: SimpleBooleanProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(true) override val root = borderpane { paddingAll = 20.0 center = button("Change bg color") { action { // let's assume that new someBooleanProperty value is updated // from some API after button clicked // so changing style of the borderpane in action block // of the button is not the solution someBooleanProperty.value = !someBooleanProperty.value } } } } class Styles : Stylesheet() { companion object { val red by cssclass() val green by cssclass() } init { red { backgroundColor += Color.RED } green { backgroundColor += Color.GREEN } } } 

我怎样才能动态改变borderpane的背景颜色取决于someBooleanProperty (例如,红色时为true ,绿色时为false )? 有没有可能将CSS类绑定到一个属性? 有没有任何解决方案,而不使用CSS(这意味着内部style块等)

如果你想切换一个类(添加或删除一个基于布尔属性的类),你可以使用Node.toggleClass(CssRule, ObservableValue<Boolean>)函数。

 val someBooleanProperty = SimpleBooleanProperty(true) ... borderpane { toggleClass(, someBooleanProperty) toggleClass(, someBooleanProperty.not()) } 


 val someClassyProperty = SimpleObjectProperty( ... borderpane { bindClass(someClassyProperty) } 
