

 package mypackage open class Base class Impl : Base() 

我将如何创建一个私有属性的具体Impltypes(内部使用) ,与一个公共的getter键入为Basetypes ,实现多态? 我最初的方法是这样的:

 class Test { private val myType = Impl() get():Base } 




 public class Test { private Impl myImpl = new Impl(); public Base getBase() { return myImpl; } } 

怎么能做到这一点? 我错过了什么吗?

PS我知道Backing Fields和创建自定义方法作为getter的解决方法,我只是好奇如何以优雅,Kotlin风格的方式来处理这个问题。

如果财产是私人的,那么吸收者也是如此。 在这种情况下,它将具有什么types并不重要。 如果您想拥有基本types的公共属性,则需要单独声明它:

 private val _myType = Impl() public val myType : Base get() = _myType 

你可以使用两个不同的属性来编码,就像你在Java中一样。 除非Impl从来没有被专业化。 所以这里有很多选择:

 // if you don't need Impl typed as Impl then just hold it as base class Test1 { public val base: Base = Impl() } // have both with pointing one reference at the other class Test2 { private val _impl = Impl() public val base: Base = _impl } // have both, second one is a getter (no real benefit over Test2) class Test3 { private val _impl = Impl() public val base: Base get() = _impl } // use a function to do basically a cast class Test4 { private val _impl = Impl() public fun asBase(): Base = _impl } 


 class Test5 { public val impl: Impl = Impl() } // later val thing: Base = Test5().impl 


 open class Base {} // a common way to get the implementation from within a class interface Based { val base: Base } class ImplAbc : Base() class ImplXyz : Base() class TestAbc : Based { override val base: Base = ImplAbc() } class TestXyz : Based { private val _impl = ImplXyz() override val base: Base = _impl }