Tag: firebase android gradle firebase


我只是更新SDK,谷歌播放服务和谷歌存储库,但仍然发生这种错误。 请帮助,我想要使用电话号码进行身份验证。 SDK管理器 logcat的 Build.gradle模块:Project // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/module return buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.3-2' repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.2' classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.1.0' // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files […]


我更新了我的SDK,谷歌播放服务和谷歌存储库,但仍然发生这种错误。 请帮忙,我想要使用在firebase-auth:11.0.0中引入的电话号码进行身份验证,当降级到firebase-auth:10.0.0时,一切正常。 应用程序级别:Build.Gradle // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/module return buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.3-2' repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.2' classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.1.0' // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files } } […]