
我试图将cordapp-example部署到Google Compute Engine虚拟机(Ubuntu 16.04)。 我正在使用OpenJDK(我知道,但我不能使用Oracle JDK)。 我试图按照预先要求。

不过,我认为至少有一个问题的结果是“不要点击,而另外8个终端窗口启动”。 (这不会通过ssh到一个远程虚拟机发生)。

runnodes永远不会导致runnodes Webserver started up in XX.X secNode for “NodeC” started up and registered in XX.XX sec因此不会导致进程在10007上进行侦听。


 Starting nodes in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes Starting corda.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyB on debug port 5005 Starting corda-webserver.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyB on debug port 5006 Starting corda.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/Controller on debug port 5007 Starting corda.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyC on debug port 5008 Starting corda-webserver.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyC on debug port 5009 Starting corda.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyA on debug port 5010 Starting corda-webserver.jar in /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyA on debug port 5011 Started 7 processes Finished starting nodes Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5011 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5009 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5006 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5008 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5010 Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5007 Unknown command line arguments: no-local-shell is not a recognized option Unknown command line arguments: no-local-shell is not a recognized option Unknown command line arguments: no-local-shell is not a recognized option ______ __ / ____/ _________/ /___ _ / / __ / ___/ __ / __ `/ I had an account with a bank in the / /___ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / North Pole, but they froze all my assets \____/ /_/ \__,_/\__,_/ --- Corda Open Source 1.0.0 (31be2a4) ----------------------------------------------- ______ __ / ____/ _________/ /___ _ / / __ / ___/ __ / __ `/ I had an account with a bank in the / /___ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / North Pole, but they froze all my assets \____/ /_/ \__,_/\__,_/ --- Corda Open Source 1.0.0 (31be2a4) ----------------------------------------------- ______ __ / ____/ _________/ /___ _ / / __ / ___/ __ / __ `/ What you can buy for a dollar these / /___ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / days is absolute non-cents! \____/ /_/ \__,_/\__,_/ --- Corda Open Source 1.0.0 (31be2a4) ----------------------------------------------- ______ __ / ____/ _________/ /___ _ / / __ / ___/ __ / __ `/ It's not who you know, it's who you know / /___ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / knows what you know you know. \____/ /_/ \__,_/\__,_/ --- Corda Open Source 1.0.0 (31be2a4) ----------------------------------------------- Logs can be found in : /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyA/logs Logs can be found in : /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyB/logs Logs can be found in : /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/Controller/logs Logs can be found in : /home/dazwilkin/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/build/nodes/PartyC/logs Database connection url is : jdbc:h2:tcp:// Database connection url is : jdbc:h2:tcp:// Database connection url is : jdbc:h2:tcp:// Database connection url is : jdbc:h2:tcp:// Incoming connection address : localhost:10002 Incoming connection address : localhost:10008 Incoming connection address : localhost:10005 Incoming connection address : localhost:10011 Listening on port : 10002 RPC service listening on port : 10003 Providing network services : corda.notary.validating Loaded CorDapps : kotlin-source-0.1, corda-finance-1.0.0, corda-core-1.0.0 Node for "Controller" started up and registered in 46.26 sec Listening on port : 10008 RPC service listening on port : 10009 Listening on port : 10011 RPC service listening on port : 10012 Listening on port : 10005 RPC service listening on port : 10006 Loaded CorDapps : kotlin-source-0.1, corda-finance-1.0.0, corda-core-1.0.0 Node for "PartyB" started up and registered in 51.99 sec Loaded CorDapps : kotlin-source-0.1, corda-finance-1.0.0, corda-core-1.0.0 Node for "PartyC" started up and registered in 52.75 sec Loaded CorDapps : kotlin-source-0.1, corda-finance-1.0.0, corda-core-1.0.0 Node for "PartyA" started up and registered in 53.48 sec 

ss --tcp --listening过滤和排序结果:

  *:5005 *:5007 *:5008 *:5010 *:ssh :::10002 :::10003 :::10005 :::10006 :::10008 :::10009 :::10011 :::10012 :::33219 :::36079 :::38015 :::41313 :::ssh 


  • 调试端口不会被ss:5006,5009,5011报告
  • 有没有参考ss到10007被使用; 无法浏览到它
  • 这个错误看起来不太好no-local-shell is not a recognized option

我不清楚我可以调试什么。 runnodes是不透明的,我没有看到明显的错误提示节点丢失。


PS似乎有8个java进程运行,其中4个包含一个flag --no-local-shell所以这也许和OpenJDK有所不同,也许是一个问题?